CJ's Bail Bonds
Provides immediate and ongoing service 24 hours a day. Get Bail now to avoid a prison stay while waiting for your court date.

Oklahoma City Bail Bonds

CJ Knight
CJ's Bail Bonds
417 N Classen Blvd
Oklahoma City OK 73106
Tel: 405 236-2663; 405 361-6805
Fax: 405 232-2666
E-mail: cjk3@coxinet.net

When You Need Bail Now...We Have It!

Look to CJ's Bail Bonds for immediate and ongoing service throughout your ordeal.

Why Choose CJ's Bail Bonds?
Available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.
Fully Licensed in the State of Oklahoma.
Easy Financing.
Low Premiums.
Exceptional Service.
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